Current Updates

Updated On: 26-Jul-2023

🚌Regarding Transport Facility

Dear parents, 📌 We are happy to announce that we have revised the bus fees structure (2023-24) as per parent's convenience so request the parents to visit the school to know about the details as per areas. Bus forms are still available, so interested parents can fill the same. 📌 It's highly recommended for the parents to avail the bus facility instead of van and auto as they are not from school so we are not responsible for any risk and overload situation. 📌 As per RTO rules they should have accommodated 8-10 students but nowadays it's too crowded and students are not safe as well. So request the parents to think and decide. Visit the school for more clearance.  Regards, SEM CBSE
Other Notice(s)

10-Jun-2023 Pay Transport Fee
14-Mar-2023 For Class 9 and 11
06-Mar-2023 Study Leave
02-Mar-2023 Study Leave
24-Feb-2023 All the Best
23-Feb-2023 Study Leave
07-Jan-2023 Fee Reminder
06-Jan-2023 Important Notice
05-Jan-2023 Circular Uttrayan
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