• Knowledge

    Samithi English Medium School Established in 2015 is a CBSE Board
    School Established by Shri Ganesh Charitable Trust

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Samithi English Medium School, Surat Gujarat

Our School

Welcome to Kerala Kala Samithi & Samithi School
'Kerala Kala Samithi', a public charitable trust was established in the year 1971 , inspiring, encouraging foundations till 1976 'We' inculcated the values and morals as a social participation and added the flavours of cultural activities, colours of festivals and much of the drops of 'Nectar ' to develop and hold the pillars of Samithi's foundation.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create well educated critical thinkers, problem anticipators and solvers, responsible and compassionate global citizens by preparing them to achieve the highest standards in education as well as their lives.

Management Desk

I am feeling pride and pleasure for “Samithi English Medium School” since 2015 till now paying the best effort for society to prepare quality students not only for academic purpose but also build up in them social values.
We provide to students an excellent infra-structure facility. We help the children to improve their hidden potential and personality to give opportunities...

School Memories Gallery
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    94.40% Science

  • Topper Name

    94.40% Science

  • V.

    Class -7-B


    Class -10-A

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